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Sprinkler Systems

Our approach to sprinkler systems is based on two main principles:

  • Sprinkler systems are necessary for your factories’ existence. It is a worthy investment that has no impact on production budgets.
  • The current activities of every firm, office or factory should always continue with the least interruptions.

Our project managers and on-site technical crews are aware of these principles and even the most complex sprinkler systems are smoothly and rapidly installed.

Our company installed hundreds of thousands of meters in sprinkler systems without interrupting the clients’ business and production activities. We always attempt to work in limited areas and according to safety guidelines.

The Paragon and Barnea Group plans, installs, serves and maintains sprinkler and fire suppression systems as required by the SII 1928 and 1596 standards. Our services are SII certified and approved by the Israeli National Fire and Rescue Authority.

We make our plans in several stages: structural inspection, calculation of possible fire loads and danger levels and finally, decisions about the required system specifications. We also consider hydraulic factors, piping types, and water amounts needed. We calculate the predicted water supply and consumption and chart the results to plan the layout of water pumps and containers. The AS MADE plan is presented SII inspectors for their approval.

Sprinkler systems are built by a crew of professional technicians qualified according to the 1596 standard requirements. Systems are inspected and approved by the ULFM standard institute. System components bear the SII emblem. The company and our crews are SII certified sprinkler system maintenance providers.



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